He was born on 16 March 2010. Now he is 7 years old and live at 120 Moo2, Fai Kaew District, Phu Pieng District, Nan Province Dream lives with his parent, elder sister who is studying in M.3 and his grandfather. He is congenital disability with spasticity. He often got physical rehabilitation service from Nan hospital and Special Education Center of Nan. So he has good development of physical body and intellectual but he cannot walk well so he has to practice to walk everyday with walker. So his mother has to take care him all the time and his father has to work hard in order to support everything of the family.
WAFCAT provided him child standard wheelchair in order to use for travelling and joining activity in community and school. It will decrease the burden of his mother and he would have more freedom of movement by himself. It is also good that he lives at down-stair of the house always so it is barrier free enough for him to move around his house. We are glad to see that the new wheelchair is fit able to his body. He can move it by himself. We really hope to see him to go to the normal school as same as other general children.
Dream is a good boy. He was not spoiled person so his skill is developing every day. In May, 2017, he would enter P.1 but the problem is his mother doesn’t know where he can go since the school in his village is not barrier free and other nearby school also is going to give up since the number of children is too small. Therefore, the SEC teacher is making transferring plan for him. We just hope that Dream can join some school when school open and we are confident that he can study well and will graduate the highest class he wants and get a good job in the future. “I want to be a soldier in the future” said Dream.