Wheelchair Dance Workshop for Bedridden Children and Parents in Bangkok 2018
December 15-16, 2018, WAFCAT organized the 2nd Wheelchair Dance Workshop 2018 at Forum Park Hotel in Bangkok. There were 19 children with disabilities, 20 family members, and 11 caretakers from Nong Kham and Thonburi in Bangkok, and Chanthaburi participated for two days. Prof. Kyoko Terada (WAFCA board), Mr. Masaru Toyoda (wheelchair dancer) facilitated the workshop. The participant children have severe disabilities so they cannot pedal a wheelchair by themselves. Prof. Terada introduced how the parents control their children’s wheelchair and dance in pairs. Mrs. Rung, a leader of the parents’ group, said she noticed her son could relax his muscle when moving his wheelchair to the music. Prof. Terada said wheelchair dance can be enjoyed by anyone even with most severe disabilities; it is a good rehabilitation physically and emotionally, and good exercise for caregivers, too. More than anything, everyone will smile while dancing, said prof. Terada. The 19 participants and many more from self-help groups in their community will continue practicing wheelchair dance with their favorite songs. WAFCAT plans to organize the next workshop and performance event to celebrate our 20th year anniversary around September 2019.